who am I & who I wanna be

Monday, October 09, 2006


I remember, in my childhood I was a very active kid...when I was nearly less than 10. I was like most of the other naughty kids. Whenever my mumma asked me to sleep at daytime I never did...:)..as when I came in my early teen I was more lithargic than earlier. I remember, getting up early in the morning and having the physics/chemistry book in my hands with the closed eyes sometimes...:). At that time I never liked morning itself ...I used to think if its possible that 4:00 am to 6:00 am, just miss from the clock anyhow...:( ..but it never disappeared.

Sleeping...It's a natural periodic state of rest for body and mind as well....so much of comfort just come from the word itself...A normal sleep is of 6-8 hours...it varies from person to person. Ask those who doesn't get sufficient time for it...they just value it like anything.
what happen when you sleep more or get more time for it????.......
I always dreamed for it....but now its not a charm anymore. I guess becuase earlier when I was a student, I used to have a strict daily routine..get-up early, study for 2 hours, go to school,.....so it used to be in my dreams....but its no more hobby for me....
It just happen with time...hobbies change...like this time I can very well have a nice nap, but I am Blogging...:).